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Singapore Reusable Mask Hits 35 Countries


The TOTOBOBO Mask from the tiny red dot has officially become a worldwide phenomenon, providing respiratory protection to customers from 35 countries.

On February 14, 2010, the protective mask produced in Singapore has been sold in a whopping thirty-five countries worldwide. Since its inception in 2008, the company has expanded operations significantly, reaching this critical milestone just on the Valentine day. Customers across five continents, from Canada to New Zealand, have found the TOTOBOBO mask the best valued on the market.

Strong demand for the TOTOBOBO mask came from regular travelers in polluted cities and users with allergic rhinitis who want to avoid hay fever or other airborne allergens, as well as specialist users like cyclists and motorcyclists, woodworkers, artists and artisans, and parents concerned with their children’s health.

Customers worldwide are drawn to the appealing high-tech features found in the TOTOBOBO mask. The highly efficient filters, capable of keeping out all but a tiny fraction of particles smaller than .5 microns, provide unparalleled protection and breathing freedom. Replacement filters cost less than 1 dollar, by far the most economic replacement filter in the market, offers economy and convenience to a wide range of consumers.

Flags of the 35 countries


italylithuaniamaltamexicomongolia new_zealandnorwaypolandrussian_federationsingapore south_africasouth_koreaspainswedentaiwan thailandunited_kingdomunited_statesvietnamnetherlands

The comfortable fit of TOTOBOBO masks is unchallenged. The mask’s flexible design allows customization to fit the face as it should. The Visual-Seal-Check ensures a good respiratory seal that can not be matched by other masks. Users can check the seal through the transparent mask to make sure it works properly, making the VSC system more reliable than the alternative. Adriana Meiss of Syracuse, NY, commends the simplicity and efficiency of the TOTOBOBO mask, saying: “This is the only mask I’ve been able to get used to. I trim it smaller to produce a good seal”. When it comes to breathability, Don, a pastel artist, says “there seemed to be more air coming through the TOTOBOBO mask than the previous mask [3M 8210] I have been using”.

Satisfied customers from around the world have sung the praises of the TOTOBOBO mask. Debbie Witter of freehelpforcancer.com wrote
“Totobobo mask is the ONLY mask that fits the way a mask should. It is also the most economical product on the market. The other masks are hot, poorly fitted and have to be replaced repeatedly. I love your product and keep one of the masks in my purse, in case it is needed for [my daughter] Kayla. I am never without it”.


Vasu Mishra of Bangalore, India

Vasu Mishra from Bangalor, India was so pleased with Totobobo mask and end up selling the mask in his bicycle blog shop : BumsOnTheSaddle.




Kayla from USA

Debbie Witte from USA, found Totobobo mask during her search for a better protective mask for her daughter, Kayla, she was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in 2008.




Mother and child from Mongolia wearing Totobobo mask

Mother and child showing off their new Totobobo mask, a critical defence against sand storm in the street of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia



To cater for growing demand, folks in TOTOBOBO anticipate the introduction of a new anti-pollution mouth mask for cyclist and motorcyclist alike. This new product will be the first of many new designs to diversify applicability and expand protective mask usage to a greater market sector.
TOTOBOBO has made commendable advances since its commencement two years ago. With a expanding user base covering 35 countries, Totobobo mask is set for a faster growth in the coming few years.

The list of the 35 countries:
Hong Kong
New Zealand
South Africa
South Korea
United Kingdom
United States


{ 4 comments… add one }
  • Konstantinos 2018-02-09, 4:03 pm

    Dear Totobobo team

    I was wondering if you have a representative for your masks in Greece and where i could find them here.

    Keep up the good work

    Thanks in advance


    • FC 2018-02-13, 4:46 pm

      Please email totobobomask (at) gmail(dot)com for details.

  • Doug 2017-06-05, 5:49 pm

    Good Day
    I have an outlet for accessories at my sports center and would like to enquire if there an agent fir this product (TOTOBOBO) in South Africa?
    If not I would like to discuss the possibilities of being the sole Agent.
    Hope to hear from you soon!

    • FC 2018-02-05, 12:31 pm

      Hi Doug, thanks for your interest. We already have an agent in Columbia.

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