It is important to study a product carefully before buying it, one of the most important things to take note of are the comments made by other consumers who have purchased the same product. To save you the trouble, we have done up a compilation of the different reviews we have gotten over the years from external sources, therefore they are trustworthy and not made up by us!
(Tips: click on the images below to jump to the sources)
Via News
Debra Bruno, a freelance journalist and a jogger in Beijing explains her choice of Totobobo mask to the Wall Street Journal during an interview
“This filter was white when I started and it got this nasty grey after only 10km.” Chas Pope – Marathon runner
“The filters show up an astonishing amount of dirt after just a few cycles, which really hits home how dirty the air we breathe in is. It’s easy to attach and I can move my face when wearing it – a bonus.”
“Tipping the scales at 20g, Totobobo is the lightest reusable respiratory mask on the market. “
“The white filter pads make it easy – and incredibly satisfying – to monitor the particulates that have been caught “
“There was a visible change in the colour of the filters, and I was more aware of the visible dust being kicked up by trucks and was grateful I wasn’t inhaling this. I suffer from hay fever and could imagine the mask would be a huge benefit in reducing the symptoms. “ — Chris Lima, a member of IoD Oxfordshire
via avid traveller:
“We have started using our Totobobo masks, and changed the filters for the first time after 7 days of usage in Malaysia, plagued by the haze coming from Indonesia. So far we are satisfied, it works well and the filters are getting grey as expected!” Davide Vadalà and Oti from Nomad Travellers
“it is a well-designed, super lightweight mask that allows me to freely breathe as I wheel around town.” Sahn
via cyclist:
“Totobobo mask has a good feature where you can customize the mask (and the ear loop) by reshaping it with hot water / hair dryer. This is a very crucial feature, a mask that do not fit your face is not an effective mask at all.”
“Given how dirty the pads get, I can only assume this mask is blocking out plenty of pollution. The mask itself is soft and doesn’t rub, even when sweaty.”
via Runner:
“Totobobo mask is also comfortable to wear and easy to breathe with. So it is commonly used by cyclists, motorcyclists and artists when navigating around in polluted environments.” Pris Chew, runner blogger
via artist:
via health sites:
“Aside from an amazing name, this mask is interesting for its design – it gets moulded to your face (using warm water) for a good fit, and when worn, is transparent where it’s in contact with your skin, and translucent otherwise. This means that you can just stand in front of the mirror and ensure that you’ve gotten a good seal on the mask.”
“In other masks, there is no way to find out if it is tightly fitted on the face. Totobobo has solved this problem using an innovative ‘water-mark’ technique in which the frosted surface of the mask becomes transparent where there is good skin contact and remains translucent where there is a leakage.”
“the mask itself is more environmentally friendly. You only throw the filters away – not the entire mask. “
“This is the only mask I’ve been able to get used to. “
“As soon as I take it off, I’m aware of how much pastel is on and around me by just breathing (it’s scary to think I was breathing all that dust before!)”
More related links:
I have been using the Totobobo mask for a few years back to do my 10-mile bike commuting to work (I live in Madrid, Spain). I have tried several types of masks and by far this is the most comfortable and easy to breathe with. The only downside is that many pedestrians and drivers freak out when they see me wearing it like I was the bad guy from Batman or something.
Thank you Nuno for your honest feedback 😀