Dr. Anil Simhadri with his Totobobo mask and bicycle in front of the Buckingham Palace in London
I was very happy to receive the first letter from Dr. Anil Simhadri back in 2010. He explained how Totobobo mask helped him to continue to cycle in London, dispite the traffic smog and his condition of asthma.
Recently I ask Dr. Simhadra about his long term experience and I was very gratefult to receive a very detail account of his expereince. I think this is very useful for new users as a reference of how Totobobo mask can be applied in different situation and for multiple purposes. Thanks Dr. Simhadri for the permission to publish the letter.
From London, U.K. Novemebr 4th, 2016
Dear Francis,
My situation is different because my lungs have always been quite weak. I had Whooping cough as a child and this had affected my lungs. Whooping cough can destroy the “cilia†or tiny hairs along the bronchus/brochioles and this can make it difficult to clear mucus. This means people like me are more prone to infections or flu or other respiratory tract infections.
As a child I used to get through a chest infection every winter. In addition to this I also suffer from hayfever and asthma. I knew when I saw your mask in 2009 that this concept was likely to be a success. Having tried previous masks I immediately knew when I tried your mask that this concept was likely to be a winner.
Currently I find your totobobo mask particularly useful for me for a number of situations:
1) Preventing flu: currently it is flu season in the UK and everyone on the underground seems to be coughing or sneezing. Since the underground is very congested I always use the mask during rush hour. During rush hour one can find yourself packed in like sardines and virtually kissing the other man or woman next to you. If they have the flu then your almost certain to get it unless you are wearing (totobobo) mask. I do remember on your website saying that even F92 filters prevent aerosol droplets from entering your lung. Best of all is to avoid the underground entirely and cycle instead. This way you eliminate the risk of contracting infection and also improve your aerobic lung capacity.
2) During hayfever season in the summer when the pollen count is high outside I get allergic sinusitis or rhinitis. Wearing the mask helps prevent this.
3) Preventing transmission – When I do have a cold like last month I always wore the mask when I was handling my young son who is 6 months oldnas I did not want him to catch anything from me. So this mask help prevent transmission of infection to other family members.
4) When doing spring cleaning the house is very dusty. Since dust mites can worsen my asthma.
5) When cycling to avoid air-pollution from trickling triggering my asthma. .
Overall for me the mask has been very useful because whooping cough has left me with a weak lung which meant I was much more prone to chest infections. Secondly I have a lot of allergy problems with hayfever , asthma and dust mite allergy.
From my personal experience of using a mask over the last five or six years I would say is particularly effective at preventing infections such as flu and is very good at hayfever prevention and preventing dust from triggering my asthma.If I am in a dusty environment for let’s say 20 minutes I will start to get wheezing and one can hear this on my chest if one listens with a stethoscope.If I then put on the Totobobo mask and stay there for another half an hour in the dusty environment my wheezing will disappear by about 60/70%. So clinically thats a 70% improvement in breathing after wearing the mask for half an hour. Similarly with hayfever. With preventing infections it is difficult to prove.
When I go to India the problems are even worse because pollution there is about five times more than it is here in the UK. For me the Totobobo is a real lifesaver in the dusty polluted environments of Mumbai or Delhi in India. Thanks for all your help.
Anil Simhadri
Thnx sir. Plz share price n running cost of this filter .
Dr. Anil uses the F92 filter, which costs USD per pack of 15 pairs, that is 1 dollar per pair. Each pair of filters can be used for upto 2 weeks before it has to be changed. However, if the pollution level is very high, the filter will changes to a mid-grey color faster. In that case it needs to be changed faster.
There is no such thing as “Birmingham Palace” in London. The Queen’s residence is called Buckingham Palace.
Thank you Soul, you are so right. The mistake corrected.