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Kevin’s five years old Totobobo mask from Indonesia

As the designer of Totobobo mask, I always enjoy reading feedback from Totobobo mask users. Positive message enhances our confident of the direction we’ve chosen, and criticism keep us on our toes and often opens up new possibilities for improvements.
Thanks to Kevin for allowing us to share his Facebook post here:

By Kevin Tanumihardja, 5 May, 2017

This Totobobo mask has been used for 5 years!

It all actually started with Google 😁
I found out about Totobobo when I was browsing for the best anti pollution mask as I caught sore throat and flu very often when I began to commute to my work.

However, that was all in 2012!! Yes, I have been using this mask since then.

The mask is very comfortable, strangely has no odour despite my laziness to clean it daily, and most importantly I can breathe normal in the highly polluted city of Jakarta.

The little downside is just the strap and its two little retainers. I mean, the strap is very comfortable, but it snapped at least once or twice a year. The retainers can be replaced with dental floss or rubber-band easily, but I cant seems to find a good comfortable replacement other than what Totobobo have (I even tried a transparent bra-strap 😂).

It seems that Totobobo have a new design that may seems to fix this strap problem, but I don’t know.
Well, I have been waiting for the mask to split into half just to try the new design, but it has been more than 5 friggin years with constant daily use!!!

All in all, a fantastic mask. Can’t live without it ever since I came back from the Netherlands to Jakarta.
More people in my country needs to know this stuff so they don’t have to stare with curious look on myself wearing the mask, and sometimes brave themselves to ask me to show them where they can have it from.
looking at the blacked filters is enough warning to your fellow citizens.

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  • AJ 2017-06-21, 1:22 pm

    Hi Kevin, I’ve been using my Totobobo for the past 4-5 years too. I can relate to your pollution woes; I live in Ubud and for someone like me who cannot drive, I mostly walk everywhere, which means I would potentially breathe in a high dose of toxic fumes each day. I’m so grateful to have found this mask! It looks like you need to change your filters though.. ?
    As for the straps, I agree with you: they snapped very shortly after the first few times of use. Which is why I was happy to find a very effective alternative; a thin elastic that I found in a sewing shop. It’s pretty sturdy, and more round (if you sliced it) rather than flat, which makes it easier to use. I bought a small piece off a roll, cut it in 2, then wrapped a piece around each side of the mask and adjusted accordingly. I’ve used it for a couple of years without breakage. You might want to try that too!

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