Respiratory protection for artists
Comfortable protection let artists concentrate on their work

Paula Ford, an artist working on her soft pastel painting
“I have searched for masks and have purchased many. They have all been uncomfortable and have had gaps so the protection was never good. They have all gone in the trash until I found this mask…the TOTOBOBO Mask.
This is the best, most comfortable mask out there that provides real protection!
I fully endorse this mask and LOVE it so much that I am selling it here on my blog!
Respiratory protection for cyclists
French and Polish eco cycling across Asia
Goska Romanowicz & Hervé Bonnaveira
Cycling across Asia from France on a year long eco-cycling trip
Your anti-pollution masks came in very useful in India! We’ve tested the masks in Delhi, the Indian countryside and Calcutta – used one filter for a day’s cycling in each place – and we got varying shades of brown. The masks were comfortable for an hour or two, when we used them longer periods of cycling they were ok but started to get wet inside (especially that it was very hot here) and became less comfortable. But that’s still preferable to breathing the air of Calcutta or most other Indian cities.
I’ve attached a photo of the filters after 6 hours’ use in Delhi, Calcutta, the Indian countryside and Bangkok. The countryside one was especially shocking – even far from cities and factories the air is very polluted.
pollution loaded filters collected by develotour
We show the masks to school and university students when we stop to give our ‘sustainable development presentation.’ It usually has a strong effect and communicates the problems of pollution well. They sometimes ask us where we got the masks – incidentally, we last gave your website address to students at a Bangkok university.
Tanja Proetz
Tanja Ploetz – Beijing, China
China Environment and Sustainable Development Reference and Research Centre
I have been testing the TOTOBOBO mask a bit more. It gets more and more comfortable with adjustment. I like the way the mask goes along flexibly with breathing, but I have to say that when I cycle real fast and get out of breath, I do get some breathing problems with the mask on. Anyway, not many people go fast on their bikes in Beijing . I think it’s brilliant how you have taken all aspects of environmental impact into account, and looked at the whole life-cycle of the product, also taking disposal, e.g., into account.
Jamil Batcha – China, Beijing
The TOTOBOBO mask has been pretty comfortable and compares well with my previous choice, the Respro Sportsta Contour Face Mask. I live in Beijing and bike to work everyday.Sometimes I have to take a taxi/ bus in order to reduce my exposure to the notoriously polluted air, however, I, like most people in Beijing must endure heavy traffic. Even on bad air days, I’d rather bike, using the mask to protect my respiratory system. The only problem may be the mask may be too good (it seals too well) and sometimes I feel out of breath when cycling very fast.
Ryan Foley – China, Beijing
I live in Beijing and am concerned with the air quality, especially when I am riding my bike on the street. I used to use a carbon filter mask, but the TOTOBOBO looks and works better. Only problem with the strap which is not very convenient. In cold weather my nose runs and it is hard to remove the mask and put it back on quickly while I am riding. Thanks to the suggestion from Sharon, I discover it is possible to pull the mask down to clear my nose, without removing the mask. Now my boy friend takes over the TOTOBOBO mask, he tried it once and likes it much better than the previous carbon filter mask. The coldness in Beijing is not a problem, the mask keep the air inside warm too.
Respirtory protection for Wood Turners
Leo Lichtman
Leo Lichtman – Ohio, USA
The TOTOBOBO mask is very comfortable. Because the material is flexible and clingy, it’s easy to get a good seal. It’s easy to feel the negative pressure while breathing – unlike some other masks the back pressure is not noticeable. I think this contributes to the quality of the seal–less pressure, less leakage.
I viewed the video a while back, about putting the thing on, and it looked easy. When the mask came, for the life of me, I couldn’t figure it out. Fortunately, the website URL is molded right into the mask, so I didn’t have a problem viewing the video again, and voila, it *IS* easy–just not obvious.
Bob Edward
Bob Edwards, San Antonio, Texas
I have been using the TOTOBOBO Mask in my wood shop for a month now. I am a wood turner and create a mountain of fine dust particles. I also work in a hot and humid climate. The mask seals well around my mouth and nose an I manage to be able to talk and give instructions while wearing it. I especially enjoy the fit and the light weight of the mask and the fact that it cleans up so well between uses. Thanks for a great product!!
Bob’s work can be seen in :Bob Edwards’ Wood turning gallery
Stan L. – Ontario, Canada
I like the collapsible form of the mask. It can be kept in a pocket with no damage. Also the replaceable filters are small. That way you can have extra capacity without carrying complete masks. I would like to make a suggestion for your company. It has no web presence. It was difficult to find your product. Almost by chance. (I am good at finding things, however.) I would recommend opening a small store front on eBay. You would probably find traffic to your website and demand for your product increase substantially.
Andrew Kertesz
Andrew Kertesz – Ohio, USA
The TOTOBOBO mask is meeting my needs. I am using it in a woodworking shop. It is comfortable, easy to put on and fits well. I am very happy with the mask and will recommend it when ever possible.
For children and whole family
children age from 3-10 wearing totobobo mask
TOTOBOBO can be trimmed to fit children aged 5 and above. It may fit younger kids depends on individual face size.
Ronald Williams -Knoxville, USA
The mask seems to be quite comfortable for my 6 years old. It seems to be the only mask out there that fits him and gives him adequate protection.
It’s been very difficult to find any N95 rated masks for my emergency kit that will fit a 6year old. TOTOBOBO mask is exactly what I am looking for. Besides, the family kit is easier to store and more sensible as the filters would be for all of us and not just the 6 yr old. Simple makes sense.
Lionel Boulleret -Gambais, France
The TOTOBOBO mask is perfect! It fits my children as well as us adults. I would like to recomemd this product to our goverment customers, it’s been really hard to find a mask suitable for children!
Lorrine Peruzzo – Ontario, Canada
I have tried the TOTOBOBO mask a few times and I like it very very much, it compare well or better than my previous North half mask. The only thing I might change about it is to make the strap a bit wider as it kind of cuts into my face a bit. I love the flexability of being able to use it for my children. It’s difficult to find anything in a smaller size and with cold and flu season upon us it is a useful tool when someone is sick here! Thanks and I am considering ordering more!
Joe Flynn – San Diego, USA
The TOTOBOBO masks fits my small child well. I requested them after the wildfires here in San Diego – I could find adult masks here in the US, but none to fit a child.
Thomas Eric Johnson Ph.D – Thailand, Bangkok
My son and I cough and suffer from pollution in Bangkok. Other parents at his school think he is sick all the time, but when he comes home and is in a clean room, he stops coughing. We received the masks and my wife trim it to fit our son. You know what, the mask did fit! I used a 3M mask before but the TOTOBOBO is more flexible and it fits children as well. I could not find any other mask that would fit him. The TOTOBOBO works fine. Our son wares it regularly when the weather is dry and dust and pollution increases.
Reduce pollutant attack
Julie Craig – U.K.
I have sarcoidosis which is a non contagious lung disease. Car fumes, paint, perfume etc makes me cough when I am in close contact. I need a mask mostly when I cut the grass, as the fumes from the lawnmower make me cough. I first found TOTOBOBO mask on a web search for filter masks, and I am happy that it works well.
I did try another mask which cost over £ 25.00 . It has a hard metal piece on the nose that you have to squeeze to get a tight fit. I can not use it as it hurts the bridge of my nose. also it is beige cloth and looks like a great big beak.
Allan Hansen
Allan Hansen – Califonia, USA
I travel a lot and would like to protect myself when I am in cities with heavy air pollution. I tried the TOTOBOBO mask and it appears to be the best mask I have tried so far and I’m considering ordering a bunch for my family. I heard it works with children too?
Asthma trigger
Teresa Lam – Hong Kong
The masks I used to use were not very air tight so most air I inhale would have gone through the side of the mask instead of any filtering. The TOTOBOBO mask does feel very comfortable. I’m quite positive that the mask had helped to reduce my asthma.
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