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How to make sure your mask fits and make a good seal on your face?

Awesome seal check Totobobo masks can fit a wide range of faces from children to adults. However, no product in the market can claim that it fits all the face perfectly. We provides a wide range of adjustments to improve the fitting and seal. In most cases, adjustment of the straps and the position of the mask is enough to provide a good seal. In order cases, reshape the mask, or trimming the mask to a smaller size can help. What sets apart the Totobobo mask from the rest is the ease of checking the fit and the seal.

How do you know if the mask is making a good seal or not?

Unlike most of the masks on the market, Totobobo mask is transparent and it is visually easy to see if the mask is touching the skin and forming a good seal. We call this Visual-Seal-Check.

User-seal-check of a normal respirator (e.g. N95 mask) involves the steps of cupping the filter area with hands, forcefully inhaling and/or exhaling to sense if there is air-leak. Such method relies on the user’s ability to feel the air movement around the leak area. Several studies have shown that this method is not reliable.

The Totobobo Visual-Seal-Check (VSC) method (patented) is facilitated by a very fine texture moulded on the inside of the transparent mask. In normal condition, the surface is dry and it appears as semi-transparent. The surface turns transparent if there is water stuck on the surface. Even a tiny layer of water between the mask and the face will change the appearence from semi-transparent to complete transparent.

To perform a Visual-Seal-Check, first wet your face (e.g. use dampen cloth) than put the mask on. Observe the area near the edge where the face touches the mask. Totally transparent indicates good seal. It is consider a good seal if there is a continuous transparent band circle around the nose and mouth. You need to adjust the mask if the transparent band is broken somewhere which appear to have a milky colour.

Our user test using a TSI PortaCount system – the gold standard of respirator fit test, shows there is a strong correlation (90%+) between the Visual-Seal-Check (VSC) and the standard fit-test results. This is particular reassuring for the public who don’t have access to a professional fit-test system.

Therefore, the Totobobo Visual-Seal-Check provides a fast and reliable method to evaluate the face seal, without the need for complicated fit-test equipment.


Location of the leak is indicated by the milky colour (textured)


Milky surface indicates the face seal leak location

Transparent surface indicates good face seal of Totobobo mask


Transparent surface indicates good face seal of Totobobo mask

{ 7 comments… add one }
  • ganesh 2009-03-16, 4:09 am

    dude… if the mask ‘breathes’ along with you, then you have a good seal…

  • ROhan Kini 2009-01-22, 3:21 am

    Oh I did not know about this trick to figure out the user seal ! Awesome. Looks like I still dont have a perfect seal.

    Thank you.

    • info 2009-01-22, 3:28 pm

      Hi Rohan, the seal will naturally become tighter as you inhale due to negative pressure inside the mask. The seal will break more easily when you exhale- due to higher pressure inside the mask. By the color of the used filter, you can tell how much dirt the mask has helped, even it may not be a perfect seal. However, for protection against deadly viruses like SARS or bird flu, it is extrememly important to make sure the seal is good.

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